[syslinux] Re: Basic ISOLINUX question

Martijn Bakker martijn-syslinux at insecure.nl
Wed Mar 27 17:43:25 PST 2002

> > Where is the root fs?
> Its the CD's top level - I want ISOLINUX to load the kernel, mount the
> CDROM read-only as "/", have no swap, and run a simple shell-script to
> install files onto the machine's hard disk.
> Is this possible?

This is possible, yes. you can make a bootable CDROM with isolinux,
with a kernel that supports scsi CDROM emulation. then your 1st cd-drive will
always be /dev/scd0 (iirc). you can say to your kernel that that is our /
by using rdev: 'rdev <kernel image> <root fs>'. if your kernel would be
called vmlinuz, then you should type 'rdev vmlinuz /dev/scd0'.

now you can make a minimal distribution on the CD, and do whatever you want
from init. Tip: you can replace /sbin/init with a shellscript that can do
all the work for you. And if you statically compile busybox, you won't need
any libraries or whatever to do stuff.


grtz, Tijn

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