[syslinux] feature requests for 3.01

Jim Cromie jim.cromie at gmail.com
Wed Dec 29 10:59:49 PST 2004

1.   \ at end of lines (in pxelinux.cfg/default, etc) causing/allowing
line-wrap ?
   for those of us who prefer 80 column screens, and 1 item per line.

2.   label-specific APPEND  adds onto global APPEND
   ( currently replaces it IIUC )
   maybe this needs a separate keyword ADDAPPEND
   (255 char limit still applies im sure)

3.   strip trailing # comments
   ( I havent verified that it currently blows up)
   it would be great if strip happens before '\' EOL line catenation,
   thus allowing

LABEL foo              # everyone needs a foo
   kernel vmlinuz     
   APPEND   console=ttyS0,19200n81 \  # default on soekris
        panic=20 \ # gotta read screen
        root=/dev/nfs \
        nfsroot=/nfshost/foo,soft,async \
        # squeeze out whitespace inc linewrap?; s/\s+#.*\n/msg

4. INITRD as separate label
   not 'needed' if 1 is done.

5. warn when kernel bootline is > 255 chars
    iirc - this is a kernel limit.  would be nice to catch it rather
than mysterious failures
    esp as IPAPPEND adds further stuff on end.

6. NOCONSOLE 1  option
    I often use pxelinux to boot my soekris box, which spews lots of
Escape sequences to the serial line, and this makes my terminal
emulator window unreadable.  According to a post on soekris-list, iits
a soekris bios issue, but
it would be nice to have a work-around

8/11/04, attributed to you:
I encountered this problem before. H. Peter Avin (author of
sys/iso/pxelinux) gave me the answer that it was improper handling of
serial i/o on the part of the soekris' bios. I haven't checked yet,
but the release notes for comBIOS 1.26 seem to promise a fix for this
problem, so you should probably try upgrading to that.

I wont have my box at hand for a couple of weeks, but if its something simple
(a bit-mask), perhaps you'd consider it.

thanks for all your software (superrescue etc..)

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