[syslinux] Award BIOS fault

Jun OKAJIMA okajima at digitalinfra.co.jp
Mon Apr 4 05:49:30 PDT 2005


I found bug probably comes from BIOS fault.
It does not boot from CDROM if the PC has only CDROM drive but no HDD.
I mean, it can boot from CDROM if the PC has HDD but not boot if no HDD.
I think BIOS returns wrong info. But I appriciate if there comes workaround.

BTW, I got another problem --  I can not compile syslinux 3.07.
What version of nasm you use?

             --- Okajima, Jun. Tokyo, Japan.

3.07 from RPM.

Award BIOS 6.00PG


ISOLINUX:Found something at drive = A2
ISOLINUX:Found something at drive = A1
ISOLINUX:Found something at drive = A0
ISOLINUX:Found something at drive = 9F
ISOLINUX:Image Checksum Error, Sorry.
   -> halted.
Compile problem:

$ make
nasm -O99 -f bin -DDATE_STR="'0x41e470ae'" -DHEXDATE="0x41e470ae" \
        -DMAP=pxelinux.map -l pxelinux.lst -o pxelinux.bin pxelinux.asm
layout.inc:32: error: unrecognised directive [[map]
layout.inc:38: error: argument to ORG should be numeric
layout.inc:44: error: argument to `align' is not numeric
make: *** [pxelinux.bin] Error 1
$ nasm -v
NASM version 0.98.28 compiled on Dec 30 2004

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