[syslinux] unknown boot options on kernel command line.

Jim Cromie jcromie at divsol.com
Wed Jun 8 14:13:16 PDT 2005

changing i386 COMMAND_LINE_SIZE to 1024

attached is a simplistic fix to change kernel's command-line size from 
256 to 1024,
tomatch capability in syslinux 3.08.

It seems to work.  Is this all there is to it ?

One of the reasons I did this was to figure out what extra options are 
appearing, and why.

b4 extending: (the last bit is truncated)

Jun  4 06:31:05 truck kernel: Kernel command line: 
BOOT_IMAGE=vmlinuz-2.6.12-rc5-mm2-soekris-v1 console=ttyS0,115200n81 
root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= 
panic=5 initrd=initrd-2.6.12-rc5-mm2-soekris-v1.img kgdbwai

Jun  4 07:33:58 truck kernel: Kernel command line: 
console=ttyS0,115200n81 root=/dev/nfs 
panic=5 initrd=initrd-2.6.12-rc5-mm2-soekris-v1.img 
BOOT_IMAGE=vmlinuz-2.6.12-rc5-mm2-soekris-v1 2.6.12-

after the patch, the pieces are complete.

Jun  8 13:16:51 truck kernel: Kernel command line: 
console=ttyS0,115200n81 root=/dev/nfs 
panic=5 initrd=initrd-2.6.12-rc6-mm1-soekris-v1.img 
BOOT_IMAGE=vmlinuz-2.6.12-rc6-mm1-soekris-v1 2.6.12-rc6-mm1-soekris-v1
Jun  8 13:16:51 truck kernel: Unknown boot option 
`2.6.12-rc6-mm1-soekris-v1': ignoring

what Im wondering about is the last parameter, after the BOOT_IMAGE= part.
why is it there ?

switching to IPAPPEND 1, I get this:

Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,115200n81 root=/dev/nfs 
panic=5 initrd=initrd-2.6.12-rc6-mm1-soekris-v1.img 
Unknown boot option `2.6.12-rc6-mm1-soekris-v1': ignoring

the ip= I expect, but again that trailing argument is there.
same for the following, with IPAPPEND 2

Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,115200n81 root=/dev/nfs 
panic=5 initrd=initrd-2.6.12-rc6-mm1-soekris-v1.img 
BOOT_IMAGE=vmlinuz-2.6.12-rc6-mm1-soekris-v1 BOOTIF=01-00-00-24-c2-46-c8 
Unknown boot option `2.6.12-rc6-mm1-soekris-v1': ignoring

the extra option appears regularly. 

Note also: in the 1st example, the BOOT_IMAGE occurs
very early in the command-line, so there may be a couple things going on.

OT-Q.  does all that nfs-stuff on cmd-line look necessary ?
I made a couple brief attempts to trim it down and use the defaults, but 
it didnt work right.
any tips/observations welcome (of-list if you prefer)

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