[syslinux] Sysinux 6 will not boot ISOs on BIOS (i.e. pre-UEFI) systems

Thomas Schmitt scdbackup at gmx.net
Sat Nov 23 07:24:04 PST 2013


Ady wrote:
> seeing blank discs [...] seems more related to optical media,

I would assume so, too.
If there is a system where the problem shows up, and an
operator who is willing to do some userland experiments,
then we can explore this down to the level of SCSI commands.
E.g. by
  xorriso -scsi_log on -indev /dev/sr0 -toc | tee -i lengthy.log

(The hope for new SCSI pitfalls lured me into this thread.)

> I wonder if perhaps there is some issue regarding isohibrid.

I would not assume so. The MBR aspect should be ignored by
BIOS when it gets presented on CD or DVD.

Nevertheless, one may erase the MBR and (main) GPT stuff by:

  dd if=/dev/zero bs=32768 count=1 conv=notrunc \

Option conv=notrunc is important. It saves the rest of the image.

Have a nice day :)


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