[syslinux] Format for the Hard Disk image that SYSLinux can boot.

jsiemes at web.de jsiemes at web.de
Thu Apr 25 10:43:06 PDT 2002


don't post HTML here.

>I couldn’t find this information on your site for SysLinux, and I’m sorry >to bother you with this, now, but I was wondering

>whatformat of hard disk images SysLinuxsupports. Is it a raw format, or a >format like drive image or ghost.

the memdisk interface (and AFAIK this is the only thing that deals
with image files) supports floppy or hard disk images. All these are raw
format, so you'll get a floppy image with 'dd if=/dev/fd0 of=image'
and a hard disk image with 'dd if=/dev/hda of=image'. I don't know
what ghost uses.



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