[syslinux] (no subject)

William Scott Lockwood III webmaster at geekizoid.com
Sun Jan 27 06:13:32 PST 2002

| assuming kernel >= 2.2
| set up fstab to use /dev/cdrom as device, then
|     cddev=
|     for i in hda hdb hdc hdd

It's common for people (like me) to have an additional card in the machine
for extra drives - this would miss my CD which is on hdf.  I would suggest:

	for i in hda hbb hdc hdd hde hdf hdg hdh

|     do
|         if [ -f /proc/ide/$i/media ]; then
|             media=`cat /proc/ide/$i/media`
|             if [ "$media" = "cdrom" ]; then
|                 cddev=/dev/$i
|                 break
|             fi
|         fi
|     done
|     if [ -n "$cddev" ]; then
|         ln -s -f $cddev /dev/cdrom
|     fi


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