[syslinux] help with porting patch from 1.62 to 1.75

Mathias Koerber mathias at koerber.org
Wed Jul 10 23:46:13 PDT 2002

Hello List,

I have below a patch (against Syslinux-1.62), which adds
a pseudo-kernel 'swap' which swaps device numbers of
the boot device and the first harddisk. It was made
for a system equipped with a DiskOnChip (www.msys.com)
device which 'steals' the device# of teh first harddisk,
This patch is used to enable the syslinux on the DoC
to continue booting from the harddisk as if the DoC
isn´t present.

I am now looking to port this patch to Syslinux-1.75,
because I will need both the MEMDISK capability and
the swap capability provided by this patch.
However, I am highly ignorant of low-level PC
hardware etc.
The problem is that ldlinux.asm has been totally
rewritten between 1.62 and 1.75, so that the patch
cannot just be applied to 1.75´s ldlinux.asm.

At best, the patch could be applied to the current
ldlinux.asm, and the only problem is the location
of the into_bootsec label.

But that may just be a blue-eyed oversimplification
in ignorance of the PC internals, in which case
some internals of the patch may have to be
changed also.

I would like to ask if someone here would be able to
advise how this patch could be modified to work with
ldlinux.adm of 1.75.

The owners of this patch (Ericsson) graciously allowed me
to post and discuss the patch here, with the condition that
I include a disclaimer that

	¨there are no warranties and that
	in no event shall the owner of the patch
	(which is Ericsson) be liable for any damage.¨

Hereby done.

All assistance with porting thispatch to syslinux-1.75 will
be highly appreciated.


# cat swapdiffs
diff -u -r syslinux-1.62/ldlinux.asm syslinux-1.62-w1/ldlinux.asm
--- syslinux-1.62/ldlinux.asm	Wed Apr 25 02:36:14 2001
+++ syslinux-1.62-w1/ldlinux.asm	Mon Jun  4 12:49:57 2001
@@ -1644,7 +1644,8 @@
 ; Find the kernel on disk
-get_kernel:     mov byte [KernelName+11],0	; Zero-terminate 
+get_kernel:	call check_for_swap
+		mov byte [KernelName+11],0	; Zero-terminate filename/extension
 		mov eax,[KernelName+8]		; Save initial extension
 		mov [OrigKernelExt],eax
 .search_loop:	push bx
@@ -2432,6 +2433,7 @@
 ; Okay, here we go... copy over our own boot sector and run the new one
 		call vgaclearmode	; Reset video

 		cli			; Point of no return
@@ -4162,6 +4164,91 @@
 linear_color	db 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 0
 UsingVGA	db 0

+; Check for magic "swap" kernel -- wingel
+		mov si,swap_name
+		mov di,KernelName
+		mov cx,11
+		repe cmpsb
+		je is_swap
+		ret
+		call crlf
+                mov si,swap_loading
+                call cwritestr
+		push bx
+		mov ax,0201h			; read disk, 1 sector
+		mov bx,trackbuf
+		mov cx,1			; track 0, sector 1
+		xor dh,dh			; head 0
+		mov dl,81h			; second hard drive
+		int 13h
+		pop bx
+		jnc swap_read_ok
+		call crlf
+                mov si,swap_failed
+		jmp abort_load
+		mov bx,[bsBytesPerSec]
+		mov ax,[bx+trackbuf-2]
+		cmp ax,0AA55h		; Boot sector signature
+		je swap_bootsec_ok
+		jmp bad_bootsec
+		call crlf
+                mov si,swap_booting
+                call cwritestr
+		push es
+		mov ax,[413h]			; Memory size in kBytes
+		dec ax				; reserve 1 kByte
+		mov [413h],ax
+		mov cl,6			; convert to paragraphs
+		shl ax,cl			
+		mov es,ax
+		mov ax,[4ch]			; real INT13 offset
+		mov [es:real_int13],ax
+		mov ax,[4eh]			; real INT13 segment
+		mov [es:real_int13+2],ax
+		mov si,swap_int13		; copy our INT13 handler
+		xor di,di
+		mov cx,swap_int13_len
+		repz movsb
+		xor ax,ax			; install our INT 13 handler
+		mov [4ch],ax			; offset
+		mov [4eh],es			; segment
+		pop es
+		call crlf
+		mov byte [bsDriveNumber],80h
+		jmp into_bootsec
+		; swap drives
+		cmp dl,80h
+		jb dont_swap
+		cmp dl,81h
+		ja dont_swap
+		xor dl,1h
+		jmp far [cs:real_int13]
+swap_int13_len equ	$-swap_int13
+real_int13	equ	256*3
 ;  Begin data section
@@ -4292,6 +4379,13 @@
 VGAFontSize	dw 16			; Defaults to 16 byte font
 ScrollAttribute	db 07h			; White on black (for text mode)
+; wingel -- swap magic
+swap_name	db 'SWAP       '
+swap_loading	db 'Loading boot sector from hard drive...', 0
+swap_booting	db 'Booting from hard drive...',0
+swap_failed	db 'Failed to read boot sector from hard drive',13,10,0
 ; Stuff for the command line; we do some trickery here with equ to avoid
 ; tons of zeros appended to our file and wasting space

Mathias Koerber
mathias at koerber.org

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