[syslinux] Comboot for showing DOCS

Blaauw,Bernd B. B.Blaauw at student.fontys.nl
Wed Dec 3 16:29:37 PST 2003

hm, nice algorythm thingie.

I'm not a programmer, so here goes:

currently: F1 helpfile.txt probably results in DISPLAY helpfile.txt

perhaps extend this option:
F1 arg1 arg2 arg3 argX

if arg1 does not exist, abort (currently also done?)
if arg1 ends in COM extension, execute it and pass the optional arg2/3/X parameters
if arg1 ends in C32 extension, same thing.
    else DISPLAY arg1 // arg1 exists, not a comboot program

now the next problem becomes passing invalid parameters 
to the comboot program :)

F1 helpfile.txt // ok, display it
F1 showdoc.c32 helpfile.txt // ok, run showdoc.c32 with arg=helpfile.txt
F1 showdoc.com helpfile.txt yes // 2 parameters
F1 showdoc.c32 // run the c32 program with 0 parameters????
F1 invalid.doc // do nothing, file not found
F1 showdoc.com invalid.doc // showdoc.com has to deal itself with this
                              entered file that does not exist..

a COMBOOT program for showing a document would indeed be nice for a 
"hey this software is released under GPL, 
 if you don't accept this license, you can't
 use this software. In that case, press
 ENTER now.
 see license by pressing F2"

# this is isolinux.cfg
prompt 1
default harddisk
ontimeout harddisk

label harddisk
 localboot 0x80 // or -1 ???
label freedos   //www.freedos.org
 append initrd=fdboot.GZ
label 1
 kernel=memdisk // ..ALIAS command would be nice
 append initrd=fdboot.GZ
F2 showdoc.com gpl2.txt
F0 bootmenu.txt

then bootmenu.txt has something with "hey, press 1 to start FreeDOS setup"


Bernd Blaauw

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