[syslinux] FW: 2 disks boot patch

ZIGLIO Frediano Frediano.Ziglio at vodafone.com
Sat Dec 27 02:52:42 PST 2003

Well, with this simple patch I'm able to load initrd from a different
disk. It's not finished, it's just to ask you if I'm going in the right

I have also some suggestion/question:
- many boot sector I saw use [bp+xx] addressing to gain some bytes. Why
don't you use such method?
- had syslinux been tested with usb floppy? You test dl however using
usb floppy dl == 0x80
- in debugentrypt you use sometimes [Z+...] and sometimes not (see
[Z+DataArea] and [DataArea]) ..
- old bios specification state that you should reset disk and retry 3
times but you don't perhaps for size problems however you should do so
to load others parts (kernel and others big stuff)
- you load entire FAT but on large disks (FAT16) you load 128K instead
of some sectors (I don't think kernel/initrd get so defragged). It's not
better to use a simple cache?

What's the best method to make patch for syslinux? Just use usually
patch and send them to you?



--- syslinux-2.08.orig/ldlinux.asm	2003-12-04 04:47:57.000000000
+++ syslinux-2.08/ldlinux.asm	2003-12-18 23:21:48.000000000 +0100
@@ -694,25 +694,33 @@
 ; on.
 		jmp 0:.next
 ; Tell the user we got this far
 		mov si,syslinux_banner
 		call writestr
+; begin - freddy77
+		call load_fat
+		jmp load_fat_next
+; end - freddy77
 ; Remember, the boot sector loaded only the first cluster of
LDLINUX.SYS.  ; We can really only rely on a single sector having been
loaded.  Hence  ; we should load the FAT into RAM and start chasing
pointers...  ;
+; begin - freddy77
+; end - freddy77
 		xor ax,ax
 		inc dx				; DX:AX <- 64K
 		div word [bxBytesPerSec]	; sectors/64K
 		mov si,ax
 		push es
 		mov bx,fat_seg			; Load into fat_seg:0000
 		mov es,bx
@@ -730,20 +738,25 @@
 		call getlinsecsr
 		sub cx,bp
 		jz fat_load_done		; Last moby?
 		add eax,ebp			; Advance sector count
 		mov bx,es			; Next 64K moby
 		add bx,1000h
 		mov es,bx
 		jmp short fat_load_loop
 		pop es
+; begin - freddy77
+		ret
+; end - freddy77
 ; Fine, now we have the FAT in memory.	How big is a cluster, really?
 ; Also figure out how many clusters will fit in an 8K buffer, and how
; many sectors and bytes that is  ;
 		mov edi,[bxBytesPerSec]		; Used a lot below
 		mov eax,[SecPerClust]
 		mov si,ax			; Also used a lot
 		mul di
 		mov [ClustSize],eax		; Bytes/cluster
@@ -1436,20 +1449,27 @@
 %ifdef debug				; This code for debugging only
 debug_magic	dw 0D00Dh		; Debug code sentinel
 AppendLen       dw 0                    ; Bytes in append= command
 OntimeoutLen	dw 0			; Bytes in ontimeout command
 OnerrorLen	dw 0			; Bytes in onerror command
 KbdTimeOut      dw 0                    ; Keyboard timeout (if any)
 CmdLinePtr	dw cmd_line_here	; Command line advancing pointer
 initrd_flag	equ $
 initrd_ptr	dw 0			; Initial ramdisk pointer/flag
+; begin - freddy77
+change_disk_msg	db 'Insert disk #'
+initrd_span	db 0
+	db ' and press a key', CR, LF, 0
+; end - freddy77
 VKernelCtr	dw 0			; Number of registered vkernels
 ForcePrompt	dw 0			; Force prompt
 AllowImplicit   dw 1                    ; Allow implicit kernels
 SerialPort	dw 0			; Serial port base (or 0 for no
serial port)
 VGAFontSize	dw 16			; Defaults to 16 byte font
 UserFont	db 0			; Using a user-specified font
 ScrollAttribute	db 07h			; White on black (for
text mode)
 ; Stuff for the command line; we do some trickery here with equ to
avoid  ; tons of zeros appended to our file and wasting space
--- syslinux-2.08.orig/runkernel.inc	2003-08-22 05:39:37.000000000
+++ syslinux-2.08/runkernel.inc	2003-12-18 23:16:18.000000000 +0100
@@ -156,20 +156,32 @@
                 push es                         ; Save ES ->
                 push cs
                 pop es                          ; Set ES <- normal DS
                 mov di,initrd_cmd
 		mov cx,initrd_cmd_len
 		repe cmpsb
                 jne not_initrd
+; begin - freddy77
+		; detect change needed
+		lodsw
+		cmp ah, ':'
+		je set_initrd_span
+		xor ax,ax
+		dec si
+		dec si
+		mov [es:initrd_span], al
+; end - freddy77
 		mov di,InitRD
                 push si                         ; mangle_dir mangles si
                 call mangle_name                ; Mangle ramdisk name
                 pop si
 		cmp byte [es:InitRD],NULLFILE	; Null filename?
                 seta byte [es:initrd_flag]	; Set flag if not
 not_initrd:	pop es                          ; Restore ES ->
 skip_this_opt:  lodsb                           ; Load from command
                 cmp al,' '
                 ja skip_this_opt
@@ -287,20 +299,28 @@
                 call cwritestr
 ; Now see if we have an initial RAMdisk; if so, do requisite
computation  ; We know we have a new kernel; the old_kernel code already
will have objected  ; if we tried to load initrd using an old kernel  ;
                 test byte [initrd_flag],1
                 jz nk_noinitrd
+; begin - freddy77
+		; detect change needed
+		cmp byte [initrd_span], 0
+		je no_change_disk
+		call change_disk
+; end - freddy77
                 push es                         ; ES->real_mode_seg
                 push ds
                 pop es                          ; We need ES==DS
                 mov si,InitRD
                 mov di,InitRDCName
                 call unmangle_name              ; Create human-readable
                 sub di,InitRDCName
                 mov [InitRDCNameLen],di
                 mov di,InitRD
                 call searchdir                  ; Look for it in
@@ -322,25 +342,39 @@
                 mov [es:su_ramdiskat],edx	; Load address
 		call loadinitrd			; Load initial ramdisk
 		jmp short initrd_end
                 mov si,err_noinitrd
                 call cwritestr
                 mov si,InitRDCName
                 call cwritestr
                 mov si,crlf_msg
+; begin - freddy77
+		cmp byte [initrd_span], 0
+		jne retry_disk
+; end - freddy77
                 jmp abort_load
 no_high_mem:    mov si,err_nohighmem		; Error routine
                 jmp abort_load
+; begin - freddy77
+		mov si, change_disk_msg
+		call cwritestr
+		xor ax, ax
+		int 16h
+		call load_fat
+		ret
+; end - freddy77
 ; Abandon hope, ye that enter here!  We do no longer permit aborts.  ;
                 call abort_check        	; Last chance!!
 		mov si,ready_msg
 		call cwritestr

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