[syslinux] Comboot Menu

H. Peter Anvin hpa at zytor.com
Mon Jan 19 17:11:32 PST 2004

ganapathy murali krishnan wrote:
> So, the following should be a very simple memory manager?
> START = SS:SP+1 (1 byte above SS:SP)
> END = Value(DS:0002)-1
> myptr = pointer to START
> (void *) myalloc(int numbytes)
> {
>     void * ans;
>     ans = myptr;
>     myptr = myptr + numbytes;
> }
> As long I never have to deallocated memory, the above should be a
> workable memory managing system?

No, that would trash your stack!  Instead you need to do (DS+1000h):0 as
the beginning.

Instead you probably would want to do:

static void huge *myptr;

void farmalloc_init(void)
	myptr = (void huge *)((unsigned long)(__DS + 0x1000) << 16);

void far * farmalloc(int bytes)
	void far *ans;
	ans = myptr;
	myptr += bytes;

	return ans;

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