[syslinux] Shift to a Menu

Jun OKAJIMA okajima at digitalinfra.co.jp
Fri Jan 6 22:27:59 PST 2006

>This should be fairly easy to implement through COMBOOT. It would work 
>as follows: SYSLINUX always boots into "shift.c32 menu.c32". shift.c32 
>checks if the shift key is pressed (you need to know that a certain BYTE 
>in the BIOS DATA area holds this information, Ralph brown's interrupt 
>list will have the details) if the shift key is pressed it asks syslinux 
>to execute its first argument (in this case menu.c32) else it quits. If 
>you want to be wicked you can assign meanings to other combinations. For 
>this to really work, the Shift key must be depressed while shift.c32 is 
>being executed (so in your documentation say a 5 second shift key), or 
>you can check if CAPS-LOCK is on.

I have got a quick solution --


and you keep pushing [Space], not [Shift] when booting.

The problems for this way are  ---
1. you must load menu.c32 always. This makes booting a bit slower.
2. you must wait 100msec. This also slows a little.
3. Some people would dont like to push [Space].
   In my PC, it sounds "key repeat sound" ( I dont know a right word in English).

           --- Okajima, Jun. Tokyo, Japan.

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