[syslinux] isolinux.cfg location

Andrey Vul andrey.vul at gmail.com
Sun Jan 8 09:42:42 PST 2006

My point demonstrated from a snippet of isolinux.asm:

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  Begin data section
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

		section .data

boot_prompt	db 'boot: ', 0
wipe_char	db BS, ' ', BS, 0
err_notfound	db 'Could not find kernel image: ',0
err_notkernel	db CR, LF, 'Invalid or corrupt kernel image.', CR, LF, 0
err_noram	db 'It appears your computer has less than '
		asciidec dosram_k
		db 'K of low ("DOS")'
		db CR, LF
		db 'RAM.  Linux needs at least this amount to boot.  If you get'
		db CR, LF
		db 'this message in error, hold down the Ctrl key while'
		db CR, LF
		db 'booting, and I will take your word for it.', CR, LF, 0
err_badcfg      db 'Unknown keyword in config file.', CR, LF, 0
err_noparm      db 'Missing parameter in config file.', CR, LF, 0
err_noinitrd    db CR, LF, 'Could not find ramdisk image: ', 0
err_nohighmem   db 'Not enough memory to load specified kernel.', CR, LF, 0
err_highload    db CR, LF, 'Kernel transfer failure.', CR, LF, 0
err_oldkernel   db 'Cannot load a ramdisk with an old kernel image.'
                db CR, LF, 0
err_notdos	db ': attempted DOS system call', CR, LF, 0
err_comlarge	db 'COMBOOT image too large.', CR, LF, 0
err_bssimage	db 'BSS images not supported.', CR, LF, 0
err_a20		db CR, LF, 'A20 gate not responding!', CR, LF, 0
notfound_msg	db 'not found', CR, LF, 0
localboot_msg	db 'Booting from local disk...', CR, LF, 0
cmdline_msg	db 'Command line: ', CR, LF, 0
ready_msg	db 'Ready.', CR, LF, 0
trying_msg	db 'Trying to load: ', 0
crlfloading_msg	db CR, LF			; Fall through
loading_msg     db 'Loading ', 0
dotdot_msg      db '.'
dot_msg         db '.', 0
fourbs_msg	db BS, BS, BS, BS, 0
aborted_msg	db ' aborted.', CR, LF, 0
crff_msg	db CR, FF, 0
default_str	db 'default', 0
default_len	equ ($-default_str)
boot_dir	db '/boot'			; /boot/isolinux
isolinux_dir	db '/insert', 0 ; change this to allow multiple
isolinuxes on the same cd inside the /boot folder
ConfigName	equ $
isolinux_cfg	db 'isolinux.cfg', 0
err_disk_image	db 'Cannot load disk image (invalid file)?', CR, LF, 0

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