[syslinux] tftp-hpa standalone in foreground

Geert Stappers stappers at stappers.nl
Sat Jan 13 17:09:20 PST 2007

Op 13-01-2007 om 20:31 schreef Andreas Kotes:
> Hello,
> I would like to use in.tftpd in standalone mode, but without having it
> forking off in the background (I'm using inittab) .. can you add a
> foreground-option?

Reading The Fine Manual reveals:

       -l     Run the server in standalone (listen) mode, rather than run from
              inetd.   In  listen  mode,  the -t option is ignored, and the -a
              option can be used to specify a specific local address  or port
              to listen to.

Is that what you are looking for?

Geert Stappers

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