[syslinux] syslinux eco-system

Geert Stappers stappers at stappers.nl
Sat Jun 30 07:47:39 PDT 2007

Op 30-06-2007 om 14:13 schreef Desmond Boyd:
 <snip what="re-cap[1] of previous posting"/> 
> I am sorry if i have not posted any previous messages in the correct thread 
> but this is the first time using this type of email support system.  I 
> thought i had to reply to the thread with the origional topic header to 
> enable it to be filed correctly.
> I have put all previous messages in this email and hope that this is what 
> you required.

Hello Desmond,

Communication is a strange thing.

I even agree with those who say that
communication only exsists to solve mis-communication.

My reason for spending time on this thread is because I care about the
eco-system around the syslinux project. It is a healthy community that
make a software project a good software project.
Caring about the (eco-)system one uses, is worth the effort.

Thanks for the recap/summary/abstract/[1] of the previous posting.

Geert Stappers


My archive showed indeed that your previous posting didn't get any follow
(yet). Give it some more time. But I can imagion that it needs another
follow-up from your side. My advice is, in the eventual follow-up, to
describe what your setup is, what it should do (what's it's purpose)
and where it breaks. That allows reproduction the problem for community
members who have simular setups, it also allows alternatives to the
same purpose.

[1] I'm sure about the right english word for what I intent to say.

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