[syslinux] Passing option-209 to PXE client w/ ISC DHCPD

Geert Stappers stappers at stappers.nl
Mon Apr 28 03:29:17 PDT 2008

Op 10-12-2007 om 19:21 schreef stephane maillan:
> Craig Johnston wrote:
> > Does anyone remember if there is a way to coerce the ISC DHCPD version
> > 2 (2.0pl5) to send options to a PXE client that does not explicitly
> > request them.  I can do this in version 3 of DHCPD via the
> > vendor-option-space mechanism, but this is not available in version 2
> > of the server (the version my network switch uses).
> >
> > I want to be able to specify the PXE filename via option 209 (plus
> > option 208 to enable it).  I know how to set the option (option
> > option-209 "myfile";), but the server will not return these parameters
> > to the PXE client as they are not specifically requested.
> >
> > I know it's really a question for the ISC folks, but I thought I'd ask
> > here as well.
> >
> > Craig
> >
> Craig
> You have to rewrite the dhcp-parameter-request-list
>  if exists dhcp-parameter-request-list {
>                 append dhcp-parameter-request-list 208,209;
>         }
> or in this form ( i don't remember well )
> if exists dhcp-parameter-request-list {
>     option dhcp-parameter-request-list = concat(option
>     dhcp-parameter-request-list,d0,d1);
>         }
> Ps : however in the second form the 208 , 209 must be rewrited in 
> hexadecimal form : d0 and d1
> I hope will help you
> regards
> Stephane

In the syslinux wiki are some examples
( http://syslinux.zytor.com/wiki/index.php/PXELINUX#Can_I_send_information_to_PXELINUX_via_special_options_in_the_DHCP_response.3F )

Where I want to do

 option space pxelinux;
 option pxelinux.magic      code 208 = string;
 option pxelinux.configfile code 209 = text;
 option pxelinux.pathprefix code 210 = text;
 option pxelinux.reboottime code 211 = unsigned integer 32;

  host inertia-eth0 {
    hardware ethernet 00:1e:8c:e1:9f:4a ;
    fixed-address inertia ;
    option host-name "inertia" ;
    next-server alpaca.gpm.stappers.nl ;
    option pxelinux.configfile "gpxelinux.conf" ;
    option pxelinux.prefix "http://alpaca/~stappers/d-i/amd64/" ;
    option pxelinux.timeout 32 ;
    vendor-option-space pxelinux ;
    filename "gpxelinux.0" ;

I had to use a NON maintaince friendly:

  host inertia-eth0 {
    hardware ethernet 00:1e:8c:e1:9f:4a ;
    fixed-address inertia ;
    option host-name "inertia" ;
    next-server alpaca.gpm.stappers.nl ;
    option vendor-encapsulated-options
    filename "gpxelinux.0" ;

I would like to known for whom the maintaince friendly solutions works.

A simple "it works for me" is fine. Verbatim copies of your dhcpd.conf
are preferred. I have set Reply-To to me, to prevent full configuration
files to go the mailinglist, but check adressees anyway before sending.

Geert Stappers

What is the name and the number of the "RFC" that hpa wrote to have
the pxelinux DHCP bootloader options standardized?
I did check the mailinglistarchive round christmas 2007, but couldn't
find the "RFC memo".

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