[syslinux] question regarding pxeboot (kernel memdisk)

CHEN Xu simonchennj at gmail.com
Sat Jul 12 21:04:24 PDT 2008

Hi guys,

This may be a stupid question...
I was trying to get a machine to boot with PXE. Everything supportive
is setup, the DNS/DHCP works fine, TFTP is also handing over
pxelinux.0 and config files correctly.

The problem happens at:

label xxx
  kernel memdisk
  initrd blabla

My machine would report "cannot find kernel: memdisk". When doing a
tcpdump, I found the machine actually is sending requests for
"memdisk", "memdisk.c" memdisk.* to the tftp server - of coz, I don't
have them.

A bit more information, I am trying to boot a freebsd disk image
within a VirtualBox virtual machine.

Does anyone have ideas about what's going on here?
Thanks a bunch!


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