[syslinux] gpxelinux feature request

Doug Scoular dscoular at gmail.com
Fri Sep 5 05:13:37 PDT 2008

Hi Peter,
I was playing around with the slitaz mini distro when I
stumbled upon the fact that they are now offering web
booting via gpxe. Their grub config has the following

# gPXE
title   gPXE (Boot from the Web)
kernel  /boot/gpxe url=http://mirror.slitaz.org/pxe/pxelinux.0

Which is almost exactly what I would like to be able to do.
Apparently they hand wrote the patch themselves at:


I just wondered if you or the etherboot people were
interested in incorporating this patch ?

This may also give us the ability to pass the MAC address via
IPAPPEND2 if there were some way of quoting it in the url.

Anyway, just some random thoughts...




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