[syslinux] com32 ssh/telnet support?

Alexander Clouter alex at digriz.org.uk
Tue Aug 11 06:27:34 PDT 2009


* Ryan McLean <pvtryan100 at googlemail.com> [2009-08-11 13:08:21+0100]:
> Perhaps I am being stupid and if so please enlighten me.
> Assuming that all clients have reserved IP addresses on the dhcp server,
> surely it would be possible to have a com32 module that presented the  
> boot options to both stdout and also allowed connections via ssh.
> After all for the system to get the files via tftp it has to have network 
> connectivity so one piece of the puzzle is there already.
Buy a 1U serial console server?  We use Opengear's kit which is nice and 
cheap, it also means that for the OS it's-self you get console action 
via SSH.

For PXELINUX you can then just use the SERIAL feature.  The Debian 
netboot installation image is intelligent enough for you just to pass 
'console=ttyS0,115200' and then you are off.


Alexander Clouter
.sigmonster says: Matrimony is the root of all evil.

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