[syslinux] com32 ssh/telnet support?

Alexander Clouter alex at digriz.org.uk
Wed Aug 12 05:15:12 PDT 2009

* Ryan McLean <pvtryan100 at googlemail.com> [2009-08-12 12:33:47+0100]:
> Geert Stappers wrote:
> Hmm thinking about this some more.
> Rather than implement a tcp stack we could just use UDP.
UDP has no concept of 'connections' so you would have to some how tell 
it to send stdio to some destination.

> How about the following.
> PXELinux goes to menu and listens on port 12345
The thing is how do you get it to start sending the traffic to you?  
Your IP address probably (should be) dynamic.

> I send a UDP packet from the tftp server saying what are your options?
> PXELinux replies with 1...,2....,3...,4....
> I reply with a confirmation that I recieved
> WHILE response == false && menusend < 3
>  PXELinux sends menu list.
> I send command boot 1
> PXE boots to option 1
> Main problem I envisage is that this is insecure no password or password  
> in plain text. On the flip side is it really important after all
> we are on a private network & worst case is that a malicious user could  
> rebuilt a system after sniffing the password.
HMAC in the initial UDP frame to use as a key, that HMAC should be 
loosely coupled to the current system time (to prevent replay attacks).  
How you would know *when* to send that UDP frame is anyones guess...you 
probably could get away with writing a vaguely intelligent client that 
floods the port every 5ms until it gets a response.


Alexander Clouter
.sigmonster says: Confession is good for the soul, but bad for the career.

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