[syslinux] Incompatibility using pxelinux 3.80 or later and setupldr.exe from windows XP 32 bits

Jacek Kalinski jacek at dyski.one.pl
Thu Aug 20 02:59:35 PDT 2009

On 2009.08.15 17:06 Thierry Bugier wrote:
> Reproducing the bug
> =========================
> Create in yout tftp root a folder named pxelinux.cfg
> Create pxelinux.cfg/default with thid content
>     DEFAULT menu.c32
>     TIMEOUT 0
>     PROMPT  0
>     MENU TITLE Multiboot
>             LABEL Windows XP Home
>                 KERNEL startrom.0
>     MENU END

> When you launch your client computer and select "Windows XP Home" the
> textmode setup will start and stop on the message
> "Le fichier INF j8??j9,,j:??j;??j<??j=??j>??,???? est endommagé ou
> manquant, sta."
> The filename cannot be reproduced: most of characters are non
> alphanumerics characters. I replaced them by question marks.
> Here is the filename as received by the TFTP server :
> RRQ from filename
> j8ë#002j9ë#002j:ë#002j;ë#002j<ë#002j=ë#002j>ë#002j?éq<8D
> The bug can be reproduced with syslinux strictly later than version 3.75

The same problems with 3.82.
But I have found, that commenting out the line:
DEFAULT menu.c32

causes, that installation is starting correctly.
So it is a problem with VGA mode and not with pxelinux.0 or others.

Maybe it will help.

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