[syslinux] [RFC] COMBOOT: readdir: st_mode or d_type

Jeffrey Hutzelman jhutz at cmu.edu
Mon Mar 2 14:49:19 PST 2009

--On Sunday, March 01, 2009 05:31:23 PM -0500 Gene Cumm 
<gene.cumm at gmail.com> wrote:

>> Since you don't have anything resembling UNIX users, there's no use for
>> UNIX access modes and really very little point in emulating them, other
>> than for informational purposes.  So...
> It's either emulate them at the COMBOOT level or the COM32 level.

Why?  As far as I can tell, the only possible use is for displaying
information to the user, so we should be as informative as possible
_and no more_.  That means providing UNIX modes is fine, but that
trying to wedge a representation of something else into them is of
limited use, unless the user can tell what you meant.  So, reporting
the real UNIX mode from filesystems that have them is useful.  And
reporting the presence of the read-only bit on FAT is useful.

>  The
> COM32 APIs I've built have been aimed at a Unix-like environment in
> that the APIs are compatible.  Not multi-user, of course.  I'd either
> have to stick with a Unix-compatible format at the COMBOOT level or
> make my own for all file systems at the COMBOOT level.

The UNIX directory-reading API's do not report information about each file, 
other than its inode number and, maybe, a very coarse type.  The reason is 
actually the same reason your API should not do so -- getting any 
additional information is _expensive_, because it requires locating and 
reading in the inode.

That said, I certainly don't object to returning this information, if it 
can be obtained cheaply.

> The other part of the reasoning was that implementing it for EXTLINUX
> would be essentially no code (copy data to register and done).

Actually, it would (should).  If you're reading a directory, you have only 
the directory entry, which does not contain this information.  Getting the 
mode requires looking up the inode; it can't be stored in the directory 
because it's mutable and an inode doesn't contain information about where 
all of the directory entries are that point to it, so updating them when it 
changed would be prohibitively expensive.

>> If the filesystem stores a UNIX mode, it should be reported as-is.
>> Otherwise, report everything as either 777 or 555, depending on whether
>> the file is writable or not (that is, for filesystems like FAT that have
>> a "readonly" bit, report that by turning off the 222 bits.
> Except for the fact that fstat() already uses 0444.  That would sort
> of break the pattern if 0111 was added.

Yeah, you could use 444/666 instead.  When actually emulating for something 
that's going to do access control based on those bits, the 111 bits are 
important because without them you can't execute anything.  In this case, 
consistency with the existing fstat() is clearly more important.

>> I would also note that returning the UNIX mode from readdir is not nearly
>> as useful as returning filetype information.  So if you have to choose,
>> return the filetype.
> Which filetype are you suggesting?  Unix struct dirent d_type, raw FAT
> filetype (only useful for FAT, not ISO-9660 or EXT2/3) or a custom
> format?  It needs to be usable for FAT, ISO-9660, EXT2/3 and any other
> fielsystem that the Syslinux project may support in the future.

Something along the lines of d_type.  Roughly, "file", "directory", maybe 
"symlink", or "thing we have no support for and cannot access" (which 
covers device files, UNIX-domain sockets, FIFO's, and probably some special 
types in other filesystems as well).

-- Jeff

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