[syslinux] (no subject)

Guy Wells guybw at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 3 07:59:57 PST 2009


Could any help me with an issue I have:

I am trying to get PXELINUX to boot so that it deplays main.jpg but NOT the menu. the idea behind this is that in main.jpg there is embedded text saying PRESS 1 for A, Press 2 for B etc.

or if not how could I reposition the menu?

Many Thanks.



menu title  PXE Main Menu
menu background graphics/main.jpg
menu tabmsgrow 22
menu cmdlinerow 22
menu endrow 24

menu color title                1;34;49    #eea0a0ff #cc333355 std
menu color sel                  7;37;40    #ff000000 #bb9999aa all
menu color border               30;44      #ffffffff #00000000 std
menu color pwdheader            31;47      #eeff1010 #20ffffff std
menu color hotkey               35;40      #90ffff00 #00000000 std
menu color hotsel               35;40      #90000000 #bb9999aa all
menu color timeout_msg          35;40      #90ffffff #00000000 none
menu color timeout              31;47      #eeff1010 #00000000 none

prompt 0
noescape 1
allowoptions 0
timeout 300

default com32/vesamenu.c32

label localboot
  menu label ^Boot local hard disk
  kernel com32/chain.c32
  append hd0 0

label ghostmenu
  menu label Boot to ^OS Install
  kernel com32/vesamenu.c32
  append pxelinux.cfg/os

label toolsmenu
  menu label ^System tools menu
  kernel com32/vesamenu.c32
  append pxelinux.cfg/tools

label expmenu
  menu label ^PXE Experiments menu
  kernel com32/vesamenu.c32
  append pxelinux.cfg/experimental

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