[syslinux] memdisk and ghost floppy image

Pascal Legrand Pascal.Legrand at univ-orleans.fr
Tue Mar 30 04:46:29 PDT 2010

I search for long time to make works ghost floppy image "out of the box" with
syslinux without success.
The only solution i found is to modify the file generated by ghost boot wizard.
the ghost boot wizard generate a "file.sys"
i made (with the help of irc helper) a script to modify this file :

you have to put the file.sys without extension as parameter


 dd if=$fichier.sys of=$fichier.vfd skip=8
 taille_depart=`du -b $fichier.vfd |awk '{print $1}'`
 taille_tmp=`echo $taille_finale-$taille_depart|bc`
 dd if=/dev/zero of=$fichier.tmp bs=$taille_tmp count=1
 cat $fichier.vfd $fichier.tmp > $fichier.img
 rm -f $fichier.sys
 rm -f $fichier.vfd
 rm -f $fichier.tmp
 ls -al

after that you've got a file.img wich works

it's a solution but the best would be that ghost floppy image works with memdisk
without problem



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