[syslinux] From another git repository

Geert Stappers stappers at stappers.nl
Wed Mar 31 12:51:21 PDT 2010

Op 20100330 om 22:24 schreef Miller, Shao:
> Steps to use the patch:
> 1. Install 'git', 'perl', 'nasm' and any other Syslinux build dependencies
> 2. Working in your favourite directory, execute the following:
>   git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/boot/syslinux/syslinux.git
> 3. This should result in a "syslinux" directory.  'cd syslinux'
> 4. You'd like to use the chain.c32 patch provided, which you can fetch
>   git remote add shao git://git.etherboot.org/scm/people/sha0/syslinux.git
>   git fetch shao
>   git checkout shao/chain_fs
>   git checkout -b chain_fs
> 5. Build Syslinux with 'make'
> 6. The patched chain.c32 will be built in com32/modules/

The git commands once again, with some extra "show progress cmds"

  git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/boot/syslinux/syslinux.git
  cd syslinux
  git branch # show branches have we in OUR OWN repository
  git branch -r  # show the remote branches
  git remote add shao git://git.etherboot.org/scm/people/sha0/syslinux.git
  git fetch shao
  git branch
  git branch -r
  git branch chain_fs -r shao/chain_fs
  git branch # notice the new branch in OUR OWN repository
  git checkout chain_fs
  git branch # notice that we switched branch

Geert Stappers
who has the warm feeling
that these notes, about "remote git", are in the mailinglist archive

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