[syslinux] Get MEMDISK parameters from WinPE 32/64-bit?

Lindgren Daniel daniel.lindgren at tullverket.se
Fri May 21 07:03:11 PDT 2010

> In regards to GETARGS.COM for a MEMDISK-booted Windows:
> - Also remember MDISKCHK.COM (included in Syslinux) :)

I'm aware of MDISKCHK.COM, but neither will execute in WinPE since it is
32-bit (or 64-bit) only.

> - Are you using twice the RAM you could be using?  As in, do 
> you load your XXX MB .ISO as a MEMDISK RAM disk, then that 
> .ISO's Windows boot-loader then loads another YYY MB RAM disk?

Yes I do, loading a 150 MB image to RAM twice isn't much of a problem
with recent computers (GB's of RAM).

> - Are you using an XP/2003-based Windows PE or something more modern?

I use the latest version, WinPE 3.0, which is based on Windows 7. It has
the best hardware support "out of the box".

> - If you use an XP/2003-based Windows PE, you can use the 
> WinVBlock driver to skip the YYY MB RAM disk piece.  I 
> haven't ever tested WinVBlock on Vista or newer
> - If you use WinVBlock, I can add what you need

I'm not right now, I'll give it a try if it would give me functionality
similar to getargs/mdisckch in a WinPE environment.

> - If you wish to somehow figure out how to get the MEMDISK 
> command-line yourself, you will need to write a program which 
> scans memory for the mBFT.  If that lowish region of memory 
> is protected against user-land programs, you will need to 
> write a driver

I wouldn't know where to start ... it's unlikely I'd ever produce
anything usable.

> Let me know if you'd like to see this in WinVBlock.

Well, if an executable would be possible I'd prefer that ... :)


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