[syslinux] Isolinux question: booting multiple ISOs from one CD

Christoph Hanle christoph.hanle at leinpfad.de
Sun Feb 5 12:59:23 PST 2012

On 05.02.2012 20:10 Gene Cumm wrote:
> Start looking at the following:
> http://syslinux.zytor.com/wiki/index.php/MEMDISK#ISO_images
> It may not work for all ISOs but for any real-mode system, it should.
> Some Linux ISOs can be compatible by the nature of searching for a
> MEMDISK.  Most other protected mode OSs loose track of it and "loose"
> the memory that's occupied.
Hi Gene,
i am doing this successfull for PXE-boot and USB-boot (kernel memdisk, 
append iso, initrd my.iso) but i did(!) not get it done with isolinux.

But I found the solution: my original filename was 
3x41061_saCD_H_v130331.iso, which will boot by PXE and USB, but not by 
isolinux, renaming to test.iso did the trick.


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