[syslinux] State of memdisk-acpi

Sebastian Herbszt herbszt at gmx.de
Thu Nov 8 12:45:21 PST 2012

I wrote:
> Shao Miller wrote:
>> I finished writing an NT physical memory driver several days ago and it 
>> works.  It's just a matter of porting the DOS mdiskchk, now.  You can 
>> see (and hopefully compile) the driver at 
>> git://git.zytor.com/users/sha0/mdiskchk_win.git
> Nice, will try to figure out how to compile it.

pmem compile worked with the 'build' command of the WDK (7.1.0).  I had
to remove the Makefile from the 'sys' directory to avoid the following error:

1>errors in directory mdiskchk_win-e0225f4\sys
1>mdiskchk_win-e0225f4\sys\makefile(5) : error U1033: syntax error : '=' unexpected

I think i successfully wrote a program to access physical memory through pmem by using
OpenSCManager, CreateService, OpenService, StartService, CreateFile, SetFilePointer,
ReadFile, CloseHandle, ControlService, DeleteService and CloseServiceHandle.

Are you willing to also port mdiskchk?


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