[syslinux] question

Shao Miller sha0.miller at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 11:49:25 PST 2013

On 1/11/2013 14:13, Bernd Blaauw wrote:
> I don't know if the Syslinux installer returns any errorcodes

On 1/11/2013 07:47, Prof S W Damle wrote:

> syslinux -d syslinux o:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
> Passes remark >illegal operation and will be terminated.

This error would not occur in DOS.

   Do or do not, there is no "will"


> 1) SYSLINUX.COM runs fine under MSDOS 7.10 (exit Win98 to DOS-mode)
> 2) SYSLINUX.EXE runs fine under WinXP
> Possibly the LOCK command is also useful under Win98 (and MSDOS).

There is probably confusion, since Windows 98 can be considered both 
Windows and DOS, depending on the operating mode.  Prof S W Damle sees a 
mouse cursor (I'm certain), so Prof S W Damle either needs the Windows 
installer, or needs to "restart in MS-DOS mode" (no mouse cursor, and 
what you've just suggested) and use the DOS installer, there.

Prof S W Damle, I think it's very important to distinguish the 
difference between DOS and Windows.  An easy, but loose way to 
distinguish is: If you see a mouse cursor, you are using Windows.

- Shao Miller

P. S. Of course if you Alt-Enter in a Windows CLI, you mightn't see a 
mouse cursor and could get confused.

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