[syslinux] Syslinux 5.10pre1 - Failed to load COM32 file .c32

Mattias Schlenker ms at mattiasschlenker.de
Wed Mar 13 06:37:47 PDT 2013

Am 13.03.2013 14:10, schrieb Ady:
> I am only guessing here, but it is possible that your problem is
> related to a bug introduced after 5.02pre1 (see
> http://www.syslinux.org/archives/2013-February/019597.html ) which is
> not yet solved in 5.10pre1. I could, of course, be wrong.
> Although the original bug report is about the CONFIG directive, in
> your isolinux.cfg file you also change to a new cfg file, located in
> a different directory, loading [vesa]menu.c32 again.

I am not loading it again, I am loading it for the first time. 
ifcpu64.c32 gets executed immediately, calling the respective label and 
then executing vesamenu.c32 for the first time.

> Although 5.02pre1 has its own issues too, I would suggest testing
> your isolinux.cfg with 5.02-pre1, at least to confirm whether the
> behavior is the same or not.

I tested with 5.02pre3 and 5.02pre1. Both don't show the issue mentioned 

> Note: Your isolinux.cfg will fail with 5.01 too (but not for the same
> reasons). That's why I suggest testing with 5.02-pre1.

As far as I remember I ran into this issue with 5.01 thus I decided to 
try 5.02pre1 and later moved to 5.02pre3. Both without problems. The 
release announcement for 5.10pre1 said that besides the merge of lwip 
and "a single commit to fixup the -DDEBUG=2 build" there were no changes 
between 5.02pre3 and 5.10pre1. So in expectation of 5.10 being the next 
5.x release I thought it would be best to go with 5.10preX.

Is there something fundamentally not recommended about this config? I 
want to switch as early as possible according to CPU features. Of course 
I could change the config to first load vesamenu.cfg and then jump to 
invisible labels within this config file according to CPU features.


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