[syslinux] raid long option

Ferenc Wagner wferi at niif.hu
Sun Dec 28 00:00:33 PST 2014

Ady <ady-sf at hotmail.com> writes:

> In Syslinux 6.03 -> libinstaller/syslxopt.c:
>  #n 50: const struct option long_options[] = {
> ...
>  #n 60:     {"raid-mode", 0, NULL, 'r'},
> ...
>  #n105:     fprintf(stderr,
> ...
>  #n112:	    "  --raid       -r  Fall back to the next device on boot failure\n"
> Comparing line #60 vs. line #112:
> http://git.kernel.org/cgit/boot/syslinux/syslinux.git/tree/libinstaller/syslxopt.c?id=syslinux-6.03#n60
> http://git.kernel.org/cgit/boot/syslinux/syslinux.git/tree/libinstaller/syslxopt.c?id=syslinux-6.03#n112
> Which one is the correct "long" option for users to type in?
> Is it "--raid-mode", or "--raid"?

--raid-mode is the full long option name, but the GNU getopt_long
implementation accepts unique abbreviations for long options, so
--ra, --rai, --raid, --raid- etc. are all valid usages.
I think the -mode part is just unnecessary verbosity and could be
dropped without affecting users, as it is never mentioned outside
the code base.

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