[syslinux] SYSLINUX API call INT 22h/AX=0xC

Kevin Tran ktran at broadcom.com
Wed Feb 12 17:37:53 PST 2014

One of our customers uses INT 22h/AX=C to shut down UNDI interface. This interface is documented in http://www.syslinux.org/doc/comboot.txt.  The excerpt is shown below:

AX=000Ch [2.00] Perform final cleanup
        Input:  AX      000Ch
               DX      derivative-specific flags (0000h = clean up all)
        Output: None

Apparently, device is not shut down based on the description of the problem. I am looking at int22() routine in comboot_call.c.  I don't see it processes  this request (AX=0xc) at all.

Can someone help to clarify this?


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