[syslinux] [PATCH] core: Incorrect detection of EDD in /core/fs/diskio_bios.c

Geert Stappers stappers at stappers.nl
Wed Feb 26 21:44:19 PST 2014

Op 2014-02-23 om 23:16 schreef Andy Alex:
> I agree. This line was removed during testing because it didn't make
> big sense (EFLAGS_CF, ebx, and ecx are checked after int 0x13).
> But it's better to leave it in code to make sure that BIOS conforms
> standards and clears CF flag on successful call.
> Adjusted patch is given below.

Applied with another description as http://www.syslinux.org/commit/2702e0bdb70c4b6de530ad2205858154e47f2b33

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