[syslinux] mdiskchk and WinPE

Shao Miller sha0.miller at gmail.com
Sun Jul 6 21:19:18 PDT 2014

On 7/6/2014 21:41, Ady wrote:
> Downloads are not zero-byte.
> The following are (somewhat rhetorical) questions, for your own
> consideration.
> Are you downloading a "snapshot" of the "head" of the
> "mdiskchk_winbin" branch in Shao's git repo?
> How are you expanding the content of the downloaded archive?
> Are you using some security-related software (e.g. antivirus)? If you
> are, there is a chance that the mdiskchk.exe binary is being blocked
> (or stripped out or something similar). To be clear, this is not an
> assumption; it could really be happening in this particular case of
> mdiskchk.exe.

I think Jerry was clicking on the filename in the gitweb, which, much to 
my initial surprise, did yield a 0-byte file.  The "raw" link works, 
however.  - Shao

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