[syslinux] keytab-lilo: update to support kbd 2.0.3 format

poma pomidorabelisima at gmail.com
Tue Dec 29 13:51:48 PST 2015

On 29.12.2015 22:20, Ady via Syslinux wrote:
>> On 27.12.2015 23:57, Jernej Simončič via Syslinux wrote:
>>> On Sunday, December 27, 2015, 23:34:11, Ady via Syslinux wrote:
>>>> How this change would affect users with older versions of kbd / 
>>>> loadkeys / or in older OSes? I mean, let's assume a user using a newer
>>>> version of Syslinux (containing this proposed change in its keytab-lilo
>>>> perl script) but with an older OS / older version of kbd / loadkeys / 
>>>> map files.
>>> The changed regular expression will work for both formats from what I
>>> can see.
>> keytab-lilo - out of service
>> http://bugzilla.syslinux.org/show_bug.cgi?id=68
> keytab-lilo is just a Perl script invoking the "loadkeys" program.
> Generic example (as root): 
> # keytab-lilo.pl /path/to/us.kmap.gz /path/to/dvorak.kmap.gz > 
> /path/to/dvorak.ktl
> or:
> # keytab-lilo.pl /path/to/us.map.gz /path/to/dvorak.map.gz > 
> /path/to/dvorak.ktl
> or:
> # keytab-lilo.pl /path/to/us.map /path/to/dvorak.map > 
> /path/to/dvorak.ktl
> Then copy the resulting "dvorak.ktl" file to "/boot/syslinux/" (or to 
> the relevant location for Syslinux).
> In _some cases_ you might also want to (as root):
> # chown root:root /boot/syslinux/dvorak.ktl
> where:
> _ *.{k,}map[.gz] are _*existing*_ [gzipped] keyboard map files;
> _ us.{k,}map[.gz] represents the default keyboard map used by the BIOS 
> (not necessarily by your OS);
> _ the file names and paths of each one of the files should better be 
> explicitly and completely typed in so to avoid paths and names 
> assumptions (different OSes might use different names/locations for the 
> relevant keyboard map files).
> In other words, when something throws an unexpected result, the user 
> should use the complete name/path/command instead of using the assumed 
> defaults (hint: the us map file is required in the command too, and the 
> name/locations of the keyboard map files might not be the ones being 
> assumed by the script).
> The script is expected to be "generic", and the assumed defaults might 
> not be adequate for some OSes. Using the complete command should be 
> expected to work adequately for most distros. Patching the script in 
> such a way that it would work for some particular distro should only be 
> done if the script maintains backwards compatibility (i.e. not breaking 
> its compatibility with other/older OSes).
> FWIW, _I_ am not planning on testing this.
> Feedback is still welcome.
> Regards,
> Ady.

# keytab-lilo /usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/legacy/i386/qwerty/us.map.gz /usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/legacy/i386/qwertz/cz.map.gz > cz.ktl
# file *
cz.ktl: raw G3 data, byte-padded

works, thanks man.

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