[syslinux] [syslinux:firmware] efi: Add network support

Patrick Masotta masottaus at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 20 03:47:38 PDT 2015

 > Why promiscuous?  That seems to want to accept it on any local address
 > and put the NIC into promiscuous mode, avoiding the default MAC filter
 > in the NIC.  This should be uncessary as we're not capturinig.
 If I remember correctly, this was required for TFTP boot because
 otherwise it's impossible to accept DHCP packets when we have no IP
 address assigned. I'm not suggesting that is the intention of the AcceptPromiscuous
 flag, only that it was the observed behaviour on my test machine.

That's probably required by the DHCP layer within the FW,
but whenever there's a TFTP transfer (either triggered by the FW or NBP) 
sure we must already have a defined IP then it shouldn't be necessary.

 Then again, this was over 2 years ago and on a development platform.
 This may not be required anymore.

 As with all things related to UEFI there's a certain amount of "forget what the spec says and just
 program to whatever the firmware *does*".
Matt Fleming

I agree; UEFI is (still) a moving target.

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