[syslinux] [PATCH 1/5] fat: fix minfatsize for large FAT32

Ady ady-sf at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 26 00:05:07 PST 2016

In the following text, I am about to use terms such as "inaccurate". I 
don't mean to question what some code does, but rather to compare the 
expressions against what I think is a more accurate one, in theory. I 
mean no disrespect, and I am not saying that developers are doing the 
wrong thing. In addition, of course I could be wrong (or type in 
incorrectly, or some formatting issue could appear in some email 
client, or...).

Although Pete arrived to _similar_ conclusions than I did, and he 
indeed wrote his conclusions at the end of his email, I am about to 
purposely comment throughout the original logic. By doing it this way I 
am hoping to communicate my thoughts in a clearer manner (fingers 
crossed :).

> Hi Ady,
> Your insightful post prompted me to to a little bit more digging as to 
> how the Ridgecrop algorithm computed its FAT size, with the result of my 
> investigations presented below.
> NB: For those who don't want to go through this whole part, there's a 
> TL;DR near the end.
> For reference, the computation of the FAT size all done in the 
> GetFATSizeSectors(), the code of which is at [1] (Rufus' version hasn't 
> been altered from Ridegcrop's). When this code is ran against the same 
> disk and same parameters as we've been using for our example, and with 
> some debugging of the variables enabled, you'll see the following output:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> DskSize = 195369519, ReservedSecCnt = 32, SecPerClus = 64, NumFATs=2, 
> BytesPerSect = 512
> Numerator = 4 * (195369519 - 32) = 781477948
> Denominator = (64 * 512) + (4 * 2) = 32776
> FatSz = (781477948 / 32776) + 1 = 23843
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Now, the algorithm mentions that this computation is based on a formula 
> by Rune Moeller Barnkob from [2], but that page no longer exists. 
> Digging around seems to provides a copy of the same content at [3] 
> however (where we find that the original page dealt with FAT16), with 
> the part of interest to us being the one with the computation, starting at:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Assume:
> To is the total amount of sectors,
> Fo is the amount of free sectors for data
> Fs is the size of one FAT in sectors
> Cs is the cluster size
> Ss is the sector size
> Rs is the reserved sectors before the FAT's
> Re is the entries in the root-directory
> Ds is the size of a entry (=32 bytes)
> (...)
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Now, even though this is a FAT16 computation, I think I was able to work 
> out how Tom Thornhill of Ridgecrop got his FAT32 equivalent, which was 
> probably as follows:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Assume:
> To is the total amount of sectors,
> Fo is the amount of free sectors for data
> Fs is the size of one FAT in sectors
> Cs is the cluster size
> Ss is the sector size
> Rs is the reserved sectors before the FAT's
> Re is the entries in the root-directory
> Fe is the FAT element size
> Nf is the number of FATs
> The size of the FAT must equal the free amount of sectors divided by the 
> cluster size in sectors multiplied by the FAT element size divided by 
> the sector size (the rounding up can be done later).
>           Fo * Fe
>      Fs = -------
>           Cs * Ss
This is an inaccurate calculation. First, the formula for FAT32 should 

 Fs >= ( Fo / Cs + 2 ) * Fe / Ss


 Fs * Ss / Fe >= Fo / Cs + 2

Just in case of any doubt, I'll repeat it while abusing of parentheses 
(unneeded in math, but perhaps needed in some code):

 Fs * Ss / Fe >= ( Fo / Cs ) + 2

Note the ">=". In fact ">" is the common case and "=" would be a rare 
case (yet, desirable).

The uncommon case would be "<", resulting in unallocatable 
(unaddressable) sectors (which is the issue we are discussing).

> The free amount of sectors must be the total amount minus the FAT's and 
> the Reserved Sectors. We'll assume the Root Directory takes no space, 
Again, inaccurate. First, the ">=" I mentioned before; so the "must" in 
the above sentence would be "too strong".

Second, the sentence should clarify that it refers to FAT32 only, since 
FAT12/16 would be different. This difference is part of the problem, 
particularly around the edges of:
_ accepted valid values for total amount of Clusters;
_ accepted valid values for Sectors_per_FAT;
_ accepted valid values for the type of FAT (12/16/32); and,
_ the relation between all of the above.

So, for FAT32, the potential maximum amount of Sectors for Data would 

 Fo = To - ( Nf * Fs ) - Rs

(This formula is the same as Pete wrote it; I commented only about the 
sentence explaining the corresponding formula.)


 Fo = To - Rs - ( Nf * Fs )

As I said, that's the _potential maximum addressable_ value for FAT32 

Solving the two formulas for Fs in FAT32:

 { Fo = To - Rs - ( Nf * Fs ) }
 { Fs * Ss / Fe >= ( Fo / Cs ) + 2 }

we have the resulting:

        ( To - Rs ) + ( 2 * Cs ) 
 Fs >= __________________________
         ( Ss * Cs / Fe ) + Nf   

Please note that Fs must be a positive integer and that there are 
additional restrictions to its resulting value. For instance, if its 
value is "too-low", then the filesystem should not be FAT32 but rather 
FAT16 or FAT12, considering a similar restriction for the amount of 
Clusters that actually defines the type of FAT (12/16/32).

Please do not forget that these calculations we are presenting here are 
for FAT32 only. Since we are discussing the minimal values for FAT32, 
then we should also consider that an amount of Clusters that is around 
the lower limit of FAT32 might trigger the need to change to FAT16 
(instead of FAT32), and then the calculations (and the restrictions to 
the amount of Clusters) are different (because the Root Directory in 
FAT12/16 is not just a "simple" Directory in the Data Area).
> which is something that Ady mentioned and is safe to do anyway, as this 
> will maximize the amount of free sectors we consider in our computation.
>      Fo = To - (Nf * Fs) - Rs
> If we solve that:
>           Fe * ( To - (Nf * Fs) - Rs )
>      Fs = ----------------------------
>                   Cs * Ss
>      Fs * (Cs * Ss)  =  (Fe * To) - (Fe * Nf * Fs) - (Fe * Rs)
>      (Fs * Cs * Ss) + (Fs * Fe * Nf)  =  (Fe * To) - (Fe * Rs)
>      Fs * ( (Cs * Ss) + (Fe * Nf))  =  Fe * (To - Rs)
>               Fe * (To - Rs)
>      Fs = ---------------------
>           (Cs * Ss) + (Fe * Nf)
> We end up with the Numerator and Denominator used by GetFATSizeSectors():
> Numerator = FatElementSize * (DskSize - ReservedSecCnt)
> Denominator = (SecPerClus * BytesPerSect) + (FatElementSize * NumFATs)
> Then +1 is added to the FAT Size for rounding.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> However, as Ady demonstrated, this computation doesn't actually work 
> because it leaves unaddressable sectors.
> So let us instead try to follow Ady's post, to derive a proper 
> algorithm. First, let me quote the relevant part:
> On 2016.02.25 20:49, Ady via Syslinux wrote:
> > _ Bytes per Sector: 512
> > _ FAT Entries per Sector: 128
> > _ Reserved Sectors: 32
> > _ Volume's Total Sectors: 195'369'519
> > _ Sectors per Cluster: 64
> > _ Amount of FATs: 2
> > _ Root Directory Sectors: 0 (please keep reading)
> > Sectors per FAT: 23843
> >
> > With this Sectors_per_FAT value, the corresponding
> >
> > Maximum FAT entries:
> >   23843 * 128 = 3'051'904
> >
> > Since the first 2 FAT entries are reserved, then the corresponding
> >
> > Maximum Amount of Clusters:
> >   3'051'904 - 2 = 3'051'902
> >
> > The amount of Sectors in the Data Area corresponding to such amount of
> > Clusters is:
> >
> > Maximum Amount of "Allocatable Sectors" (please allow me to use such
> > uncommon expression, for brevity):
> >   3'051'902 * 64 = 195'321'728
> >
> > So we have, for 23843 Sectors_per_FAT in our example:
> >   32 + 23843 * 2 + 195'321'728 = 195'369'446 Sectors
> >
> > When comparing this value with the 195'369'519 Volume's Total Sectors:
> >   195'369'519 - 195'369'446 = 73 Sectors
> >
> > This means that with 23843 Sectors_per_FAT in our FAT32 volume, we
> > would have 73 unused / unusable sectors.
> I'm going to use the same variable names as previously, with just an 
> additional intermediate one added:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Assume:
> To is the total amount of sectors,
> Fo is the amount of free sectors for data
> Fs is the size of one FAT in sectors
> Cs is the cluster size
> Ss is the sector size
> Rs is the reserved sectors before the FAT's
> Re is the entries in the root-directory
> Fe is the FAT element size
> Nf is the number of FATs
> MaxFE is the maximum number of FAT entries
> As with the post above, we'll start with that last variable, since it is 
> the one that is crucial to getting our computation right:
>     MaxFatEn = Fs * Ss / Fe
> Now, if we follow Ady's post to compute the total number of sectors 
> addressable, we want to have that number greater than the number of 
> sectors reported for the volume, hence:
>     (MaxFatEn - Nf) * Cs + Nf * Fs + Rs >= To
> Let's replace MaxFatEn:
>     ((Fs * Ss / Fe) - Nf) * Cs + Nf * Fs + Rs >= To
> Now of course, we want to isolate the FAT Size (Fs) since that's what 
> we're after:
>     (Fs * Ss * Cs / Fe) - (Nf * Cs) + (Fs * Nf) + Rs >= To
>     Fs * (Ss * Cs / Fe + Nf) >= To - Rs + (Nf * Cs)
>     Fs >= (To - Rs + Nf * Cs) / (Ss * Cs / Fe + Nf)
> Thus we can finally get a formula for Fs that satisfies the above:
>     Fs = (To - Rs + Nf * Cs)  / ((Ss * Cs / Fe) + Nf) + 1
I believe such formula is slightly inaccurate too.

My resulting inequation is

        ( To - Rs ) + ( 2 * Cs ) 
 Fs >= __________________________
         ( Ss * Cs / Fe ) + Nf   

Note: the difference starts at the equation of Pete's "MaxFatEn", which 
is inaccurate.

My inequation can adequately be transformed into an equation by means 
of a "roundup" or "ceiling" (or the "modulo" operation if you want) - 
let's not get into the negative numbers matters and strict functions' 
definitions here - instead of _always_ adding "+1" (which would be 
incorrect and inefficient from the point of view of the resulting 
allocatable size).

In my inequation, when the resulting calculation of (the potential) Fs 
is (already) an integer, then we should not need to add "+1"; it would 
not be completely invalid (as per the inequation), but it would be 
unnecessary. (Although, please note that when we try to obtain some 
kind of sector alignment, we could potentially increase the Fs value as 
one of the possible techniques, generally speaking. There are other, 
possibly more efficient techniques, but increasing the Fs value is 
indeed permitted).

In my inequation, if the resulting calculation of (the potential) Fs 
happens to not be an integer - I don't really recall whether such cases 
exist for FAT32 and I have not attempted to find out at this time - 
then the next integer up would be the minimal Fs value that could cover 
the whole potential Data Area. Again, the "+1" would not be accurate 
for such case.

As per actual code, "roundup", "ceiling", "modulo", "integer", 
"quotient", "remainder"... are some of the operations or functions that 
come to mind (not "+1"). Sure, potential "division by zero" and 
"undefined operation" (and the treatment of negative values, and...) 
should be considered in the code, but that's out of my league as I am 
not a developer.

Once the Fs value gets defined, the actual resulting values can be 
_ Max potential Data Area;
_ Actual addressable Data Area;
_ Potential unaddressable sectors for the defined Fs value;

We could even calculate a "minimal" potential Data Area: a lower amount 
of sectors than this minimum and we could potentially use a lower Fs 
value to address the whole "new" Data Area.

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> That's quite different from the earlier formula.
> However, it *does* yield the expected result of 23844, instead of 23843:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> DskSize = 195369519, ReservedSecCnt = 32, SecPerClus = 64, NumFATs=2, 
> BytesPerSect = 512
> Numerator = 195369519 * 32 + 2 * 64 = 195369615
> Denominator = 64 * 512 / 4 * 2 = 8194
> FatSz = (195369615 / 8194) + 1 = 23844
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *TL;DR*: The Ridgecrop Fat Size computation algorithm is wrong, and, 
> whether justified or not, the existing Syslinux check does catch FATs 
> that are missing addressable sectors.
> I have now tested the new computation against a 320GB and 1TB drive, and 
> found that the original minfatsize check of Syslinux is no longer an issue.
> This being said, and to address Ady's subsequent point:
> While I can now address the issue in Rufus (and will contact Tom 
> Thornhill of Ridgecrop to let him know about both the issue & fix), I 
> suspect there are users out there who are using and will continue to use 
> fat32format.exe with the bad computation algorithm, as well as other 
> developers who might lift the existing Large FAT32 format code without 
> realizing that doing so will break Syslinux installation. So it may 
> still be worth relaxing the check especially if, as Ady pointed out, not 
> having all sectors addressable doesn't make a disk any less valid.
> Regards,
> /Pete
> [1] 
> https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/blob/ade5639c0047ee813f71a8bfef8b1cc7be551009/src/format.c#L349-L377
> [2] http://hjem.get2net.dk/rune_moeller_barnkob/filesystems/fat.html
> [3] http://pierrelib.pagesperso-orange.fr/filesystems/fat16.html
I would like to point out that being able to allocate / address at 
least the whole Data Area is indeed the "common" way of calculating the 
Sectors_per_FAT, but I am _not_ saying that having unaddressable 
sectors is completely invalid. Perhaps there are cases in which the 
resulting Data Area is effectively bigger when using a lower (i.e. 
diff. of minus one) value of Sectors_per_FAT; that is, leaving some few 
unaddressable sectors with a lower Fs value, instead of having a bigger 
Fs value ("eating" part of the potential Data Area) that would be 
capable of addressing the "normal" Data Area. Such excercise might 
involve some recursive calculations.

I am more worried about the edge cases, moving from a valid "Total 
addressable amount of Clusters" for FAT32 to a range in which the FAT 
should had been formatted as FAT16.

An additional concern is about the boot code in SYSLINUX in such edge 
cases, considering that, with the current (unpatched) Syslinux code, we 
are sure that the FAT32 volume that the syslinux command is about to 
write to is certainly a valid FAT32 filesystem (and the code being 
written is adequate for FAT32). But, if the volume was formatted for 
FAT32 but it should had been FAT16 (or FAT12), I fear whether the 
syslinux command would install code (e.g. a wrong address for 
ldlinux.sys to be found) for the wrong FAT type. As I said before, I am 
not a developer, so these matters are out of my league.

Apologies for the long emails. Hopefully, it is still worth.


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