[syslinux] Booting a bootable CD-ROM

Shao Miller sha0.miller at gmail.com
Mon Mar 21 05:50:51 PDT 2016

On 3/21/2016 08:08, Andy Pont via Syslinux wrote:
> In order to get this to work am I going to need to hook int 13h so that I
> can provide the correct responses to functions such as 4B01h and 42h or is
> there a simpler way of achieving what I need?

To the best of my knowledge, disk-based Syslinux expects INTerrupt 0x13 
to be available.  I don't understand why your strategy would not be to 
implement it.  (Or hook it.)  An operating system such as Windows (on 
BIOS) can't really be booted without INT 0x13.

If you want to make a hook without completely starting from scratch, you 
could (perhaps) derive from MEMDISK, which includes dealing with El 
Torito emulation.

Good luck!

- Shao Miller

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