[syslinux] How to install manually?

piranna at gmail.com piranna at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 05:49:03 PST 2017

Sorry for the delay, missed the emails.

>> > Just what I needed, thanks! :-D I have not seen any reference to that
>> > on the wiki docs, maybe it would make sense to add a little note about
>> > it?
> Yes, http://www.syslinux.org/wiki/index.php?title=The_Syslinux_Project
> is indeed a wiki. So please add you think that is missing.

I was following the instructions at
there's no reference to mtools on that page. Maybe they should be

>> > And regarding to the extra modules (menu.c32 and so), I need to add
>> > them previously by hand, isn't it? Just to be sure...
>> Yes, along with any dependent library COM32 files too.
> Another good thing is posting to this mailinglist with a subscribed
> e-mail address.  It prevents brainpower being wasted on "Why do I recieve
> those discussion e-mails out of order?" (Answer: Piranna is not (yet)
> subscribed and non-subscriber postings wait for manual aproval. )

GMail has been doing me some nasty tricks with the emails and I missed
the subscription one, this should not happen again.

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