[syslinux] Can Syslinux install another USBstik ?

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Mon May 1 01:36:51 PDT 2017

When a USBstiked-syslinux starts, it's the PC's firmare that's reading
the USB ?.
But once the USBsyslinux takes over, has IT also got a USB driver?
So that USBsyslinux can install a different USBstik/partition?
Ie. boot with stikA to install & run stikB:partition5 ?

------------ Is the following sound logic?
> Do zero out the partition table first so you don't "inherit" any
> badness ("dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx bs=512 count=1 conv=sync").
> Actually before destroying the partition table, I'd zero out the
> beginning of all and any partitions ("dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024k
> count=10 conv=sync of=/dev/sdxX" x Y) first, as we are in starting
> from scratch mode. (If there were RAID/GPT involved I'd zero out
> the end of partitions/disk respectively too.)
CPU reading a memory location is not like human reading from paper.
<zero> bytes are no more "nothing" than any of the other possible
255 values.
  Of course the system can be programed:
   IF <there are more than N consecutive zero-bytes> THEN .....
but, that's unlikely ?

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