[syslinux] isolinux needing mkisofs

David Bond daveb123 at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 8 20:37:03 PST 2004

Below is a unified diff of a slightly modify patch.  It will inspect the 
boot info table to see if it has been initialized by an external program.  
If so it will not try to alter it.  If not it will assume sector 16 for the 
PVD and 17 for the BVD and go from there.  Per you previous note this should 
allow for the highest chance of successful boot.  Below that is the C code 
for the checksum generation program.


-- isolinux.asm.org    2004-08-04 02:16:53.000000000 -0400
+++ isolinux.asm        2004-12-08 08:03:09.000000000 -0500
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
                ; -boot-info-table option
bi_pvd:                dd 0xdeadbeef                   ; LBA of primary 
volume descriptor
bi_file:       dd 0xdeadbeef                   ; LBA of boot file
-bi_length:     dd 0xdeadbeef                   ; Length of boot file
+bi_length:     dd size_of_code                 ; Length of boot file        
bi_csum:       dd 0xdeadbeef                   ; Checksum of boot file
bi_reserved:   times 10 dd 0xdeadbeef          ; Reserved

@@ -280,14 +280,6 @@
                loop .loop
                mov [FirstSecSum],edi

-               ; Set up boot file sizes
-               mov eax,[bi_length]
-               sub eax,SECTORSIZE-3
-               shr eax,2                       ; bytes->dwords
-               mov [ImageDwords],eax           ; boot file dwords
-               add eax,(2047 >> 2)
-               shr eax,9                       ; dwords->sectors
-               mov [ImageSectors],ax           ; boot file sectors

                mov [DriveNo],dl
@@ -324,8 +316,71 @@
                ; clear on the fact that it must all be loaded.)  Therefore,
                ; we load it ourselves, and *bleep* the BIOS.

+;DEB -- Patch to have code actually insert values for bi_file and bi_length 
if none specified
+               mov eax, dword [bi_pvd]         ;DEB
+               cmp eax, 0xdeadbeef             ;DEB Was this image made by 
mkisofs or something else?
+               jne mkisofsimg                  ;DEB This is a mkisofs image 
go do normal stuff
+                                               ;DEB Otherwise assume single 
session cd
+                                               ;DEB and hope we're right
+               mov si,nobootinf_msg            ;DEB Boot Info table not 
+               call writemsg                   ;DEB Inform user Boot info 
table not initialized
+               mov eax, 16                     ;DEB
+               mov dword [bi_pvd], eax         ;DEB PVD is at 0x16 on 
single session CD
+                                               ;DEB
+               mov bx, trackbuf                ;DEB
+               mov eax, 17                     ;DEB BRV is at 0x17 on 
single session CD
+               call getonesec                  ;DEB Retrieve Boot Record 
Volume into trackbuf
+               mov eax, dword [trackbuf+47h]   ;DEB EAX is now address of 
Boot Catalog
+                                               ;DEB if this is a single 
session CD
+               mov si,bcat_msg                 ;DEB Write sector address of 
boot cat
+               call writemsg                   ;DEB
+               call writehex8                  ;DEB
+               call crlf                       ;DEB
+               mov bx, trackbuf                ;DEB
+               call getonesec                  ;DEB get the Boot Catalog 
into trackbuf
+               mov eax, dword [trackbuf+28h]   ;DEB put RBA sector address 
in EAX
+               mov dword [bi_file], eax        ;DEB Put RBA address into 
bi_file variable
+               mov si,rba_msg                  ;DEB write out RBA sector 
+               call writemsg                   ;DEB
+               call writehex8                  ;DEB
+               call crlf                       ;DEB
+               mov si,imgsz_msg                ;DEB write out image size
+               call writemsg                   ;DEB
+               mov eax, dword [bi_length]      ;DEB
+               call writehex8                  ;DEB
+               call crlf                       ;DEB
+%endif                                         ;DEB
+;DEB -- we now return you to your regularly scheduled programing :)
+               ; Set up boot file sizes
+               mov eax,[bi_length]
+               sub eax,SECTORSIZE-3
+               shr eax,2                       ; bytes->dwords
+               mov [ImageDwords],eax           ; boot file dwords
+               add eax,(2047 >> 2)
+               shr eax,9                       ; dwords->sectors
+               mov [ImageSectors],ax           ; boot file sectors
                mov eax,[bi_file]               ; Address of code to load
                inc eax                         ; Don't reload bootstrap 
                mov si,offset_msg
                call writemsg
@@ -759,6 +814,12 @@
ondrive_str:   db ', drive ', 0
nothing_msg:   db 'Failed to locate CD-ROM device; boot failed.', CR, LF, 0
checkerr_msg:  db 'Image checksum error, sorry...', CR, LF, 0
+nobootinf_msg   db 'Boot info table empty', CR, LF, 0          ;DEB debug 
+bcat_msg        db 'BCAT@', 0                                  ;DEB debug 
+rba_msg                db 'RBA@', 0                                    ;DEB 
debug msg
+imgsz_msg      db 'IMGSZ=', 0                                  ;DEB debug 

err_bootfailed db CR, LF, 'Boot failed: press a key to retry...'
bailmsg                equ err_bootfailed
@@ -1713,6 +1774,8 @@
boot_image_len  equ $-boot_image
ldlinux_end     equ $

+size_of_code   equ ldlinux_end-bootsec         ;DEB Used to calculate 
; Put the getcbuf right after the code, aligned on a sector boundary

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define BUFFSZ 16*1024          //BUFFSZ must be a multiple of 4
#define INTSZ sizeof(int)       //Has to be 4 and will be checked later
#define CKSUMPOS 0x14           //Position of checksum field in isolinux.bin 
file header

int main(int argc, char **argv)
FILE *fh;
char FBuff[BUFFSZ];
unsigned int CheckSum,*IPtr,Items,x;

if (INTSZ!=4)
        {fprintf(stderr,"\n\nInteger size is not 32 bits\nPlease recompile 
with appropriate modifications\n\n");exit(1);}

if (argc!=2)
        {fprintf(stderr,"\n\nUsage %s <isolinux.bin>\nPatches a isolinux.bin 
file to place proper checksum in header info\n\n",argv[0]);exit(1);}

if ((fh=fopen(argv[1],"r+"))==NULL)
        {fprintf(stderr,"\n\nError opening isolinux.bin file named: 

//Skip first 64 bytes of data at front of file
IPtr=(unsigned int *)&(FBuff[64]);

while (Items=fread(FBuff,INTSZ,BUFFSZ/INTSZ,fh))

  //Use all bytes of data on 2nd and subsequent passes
  IPtr=(unsigned int*)FBuff;

if (fseek(fh,CKSUMPOS,SEEK_SET))
        {fprintf(stderr,"\n\nError updating file, ABORTING\n\n");exit(1);}

if ( fwrite(&CheckSum,INTSZ,1,fh) !=1 )
        {fprintf(stderr,"\n\nError writing new checksum info to 

printf("Checksum field of file %s updated to 0x%08X\n",argv[1],CheckSum);



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