[syslinux] isolinux: Extremely broken BIOS detected

Stephen Brown sbrown7 at umbc.edu
Fri Dec 10 13:50:39 PST 2004

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, Alexander Dick wrote:

> This just tells me that you and I and everyone else who has posted a
> problem with a SCSI controller don't have defective components.  What
> has changed since Linux boot floppy days is support for SCSI.
> I hope one day support for SCSI is restored because their are
> thousands if not millions of computers in the world that may or may
> not have a SCSI controller for the CD-ROM drive.  With computer prices
> so low and expandability of those computers endless in prospect, new
> users to Linux and Open Source will only increase the number of
> possible installation faults due to newer and newer BIOSes that are
> incompatible with SYSLINUX, PXELINUX and ISOLINUX from the 'latest and
> greatest systems available' in their quest to go around the lack of
> support for SCSI..

Hmm... And my latest pain has been SATA drives, which look like SCSI
drives to the Linux kernel... not sure what they look like at the BIOS

Steve Brown
sbrown7 at umbc.edu

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