[syslinux] Problems with menu.c32, and some feature request for menu.c32

Eugene Pressley EPressley at abtech.edu
Wed Mar 23 21:01:29 PST 2005

I have found two bugs in the menu.c32 utility, part of the syslinux-3.08-pre5 build, and have a couple of requests.

Problem 1:

If you use the ^ symbol to define a number as a hotkey, ex. MENU LABEL ^1 Option #1 , the menu will not print the number highlighted.  It will use it as a hot key, it just will not highlight it.  It does highlight the hotkey if specify a letter, A-Z.

Problem 2:

When the statement "MENU PASSWD" is used to define a password the label that it is used in and all following labels require that password.  All preceding LABELs do not require a password.

Request #1:
When a timeout is spedified it would be nice if a countdown timer could be place on the screen, say the lower right hand corner.  This could be enabled/disabled through a menu option.

Request #2:
It would be nice if the following vars in the menu.c could be set in the config file so the program would not have to be recompiled to change these values.
#define WIDTH		80
#define MARGIN		10
#define MENU_ROWS	12
#define TABMSG_ROW	18
#define CMDLINE_ROW	20
#define END_ROW		24
#define PASSWD_ROW	11

Request #3:
Add an option to the config file that would enable HOTKEYING.  What is hotkeying?  Currently when you press a hotkey the menu item is highlighted and then you have to press enter to execute the menu item.  HOTKEYING would, when the hotkey is pressed, highlight the menu item and automatically execute the menu item.

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