[syslinux] Syslinux 5.00 LABEL directive with trail space fails

Ady ady-sf at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 26 08:19:36 PST 2012

In Syslinux 5.00, when a LABEL directive ends with trailing space(s), 
the boot entry fails (it can't found the "file").


   *** cfg start *** 

DEFAULT hello1

LABEL hello1
COM32 hello.c32

   *** cfg end *** 

In the above cfg file, add a trailing space character after "LABEL 
hello1" so to make it fail.

The following different cases were tested too:
_ No line has trailing spaces.
_ New lines are Unix-like or DOS-like (CR/LF) format.
_ All lines have extra trailing spaces EXCEPT the LABEL directive.
_ Tested with 4.06 and 5.00 (using respective versions of ldlinux.* 
and of any other related file, as *.c32 files).

Those cases successfully booted the specific boot entry (hello1).

But when the LABEL directive ends with trailing space(s) (and 
independently of whether other directives or lines end with trailing 
space(s) or if they don't), using Syslinux 5.00 will fail. When using 
Syslinux 4.06 with the same cfg file(s), the boot entry is always 


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