[syslinux] State of memdisk-acpi

Shao Miller sha0.miller at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 13:04:48 PST 2012

On 11/8/2012 15:45, Sebastian Herbszt wrote:
> I wrote:
>> Shao Miller wrote:
>>> I finished writing an NT physical memory driver several days ago and
>>> it works.  It's just a matter of porting the DOS mdiskchk, now.  You
>>> can see (and hopefully compile) the driver at
>>> git://git.zytor.com/users/sha0/mdiskchk_win.git
>> Nice, will try to figure out how to compile it.
> pmem compile worked with the 'build' command of the WDK (7.1.0).  I had
> to remove the Makefile from the 'sys' directory to avoid the following
> error:
> 1>errors in directory mdiskchk_win-e0225f4\sys
> 1>mdiskchk_win-e0225f4\sys\makefile(5) : error U1033: syntax error : '='
> unexpected

Yes, I noticed that Linux Makefile interferes with the DDK build 
process, since both will try to use a file named 'Makefile', but I 
haven't figured a nice work-around, yet, to allow both build 
environments to use the same directory.

For some odd reason, I assumed you'd be building with MinGW under Linux. :)

> I think i successfully wrote a program to access physical memory through
> pmem by using
> OpenSCManager, CreateService, OpenService, StartService, CreateFile,
> SetFilePointer,
> ReadFile, CloseHandle, ControlService, DeleteService and
> CloseServiceHandle.

It's nice to see someone else using those functions. :)  I already have 
another project that automatically installs and starts a driver up, as 
needed, so I was just going to copy it with minor changes.  It uses the 
functions you've mentioned, here.

> Are you willing to also port mdiskchk?

That is the plan; yes.  It will automatically install and start the 
service, if needed, as mentioned...  Lots of simple copy'n'paste from 
other work.

Please note that physical memory holes will show up as "bad sectors" 
with the PMem driver.  You can skip past them or seek around them.

- Shao Miller

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