[syslinux] HTTP protocol support.

Izmalkov, Vladimir vladimir.izmalkov at sap.com
Thu Aug 22 08:06:51 PDT 2013

Hello All.

I `m trying migrate to version 6.01 from 5.01 and without luck.
I`m still on 5.01   and I use gpxelinuxk.0 5.01 but I rename it to pxelinux.0
my pxelinux.cfg/default
label default
                MENU LABEL ^Custom PE
                KERNEL http://deployment/sources/common/pxe/memdisk
                APPEND iso raw
                initrd http://deployment/sources/iso/CustomPE/AltPE_7.iso
and it`s work fine.
If I replace files by new version.
Pxelinux cannot load memdisk and iso (even if I put FQDN)
Any ideas ?
Vladimir Izmalkov
Technical Support Consultant IT

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