[syslinux] Dynamic debugging how to WAS: Syslinux-6.02-pre2 - booting 32-bit kernels from efi64

Geert Stappers stappers at stappers.nl
Thu Jul 11 13:44:27 PDT 2013

Op 2013-07-11 om 16:17 schreef Matt Fleming:
> On Wed, 10 Jul, at 03:44:57PM, Andreas Heinlein wrote:
> > 
> > Any further info I can give you to debug this? Are there any
> > specific requirements for the kernel?
> You could try running,
> debug.c32 -e efi_boot_linux handover_boot
> before executing your kernel.

Euh how? Where?

In a syslinux config file?
At the `boot:` prompt?

Please provide an example.

Geert Stappers
In an attempt to grasp the Syslinux dynamic debugger

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