[syslinux] TFTP menu and input box

Gene Cumm gene.cumm at gmail.com
Fri Apr 14 04:22:57 PDT 2017

>From a non-subscribed user.

On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 4:41 AM, Alexandre Duplaix via Syslinux
<syslinux at zytor.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I wanted to ask you a little question : Is it possible to pass an argument
> through an input box (like for the password) to the initrd ? It could be
> very usefull for example to set a specific hostname !! Otherwise I have to
> it somewhere else after during the initrd decompression / execution.
> Thank you in advance
> Kind regards.

I can't think of a way as-is via an "input box" but perhaps a simpler
approach: Append to the command line something like "hostname=myhost"

LABEL test
  LINUX mykernel
  APPEND initrd=initrd.gz

then execute "test hostname=myhost", either via the CLI directly or by
using the menu to append it to the end of the command line.

Otherwise, I know there's the LUA system you could write a script for
or the COM32 system you could write a program for.


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